The mute function is lazy moderation. I have seen this community when it was better. There were more rules and higher quality posts. Now that there are less rules, and the mute button, people can get away with posting lower quality material and not get banned. That leads to a saturation of shitty posts and a lower concentration of high quality posts.
I don't like it that there are people who are willing to filter out the things I say just because it makes them annoyed. I think that it impair's people's perspective of reality to hide the things that others say. I think it doesn't make any sense that it was implemented.
[quote]I think that it impair's people's perspective of reality to hide the things that others say.[/quote] But the [i]real reality[/i] is that this is a website. This is the internet. That is [i]reality[/i]. The real reality is that in life, not everyone will listen to you. Consider this, when you're in a public space like a restaurant, do you listen to every conversation that is taking place at the same time under the same roof? Of course not. There are private conversations happening everywhere and you would drive yourself crazy trying to interpret everything. Muting is blocking out unnecessary noise. It doesn't always mean that someone broke the Code of Conduct, you said it best: [quote]I think it's our differences that really bring people together because what kind of world would this be if we just filtered people who are different?[/quote] We would live in a world like our current one. That's the reality. If anything, the mute function gives us a [i]better[/i] perspective of reality. You have the right to voice your opinion. I have the right to choose to listen (or not).