PBSL Paint Ball Sports Land It's in Fredrick Maryland and has some good courses also have one %
My main field that I go to is Black Tiger Airsoft in Plant City, FL It's 33 acres of field and forest. The best part is that they offer 24 hour games. I go to others but they're not worth mentioning because BTA>all of them.
Either a place down here called "Hotshots" or a nearby golf course.
Don't really play on a field right now since I just moved. But there is a nice field nearby I just need to check it out.
No field :(. I don't know of any official fields nearby. Right now there's about six of us and we play at a friends property. We're getting kitted up though, because there is a club in town that plays on a "field", but the age limit is sixteen so some of the guys will have to wait a while seeing as we're all fifteen. Not to long to wait though, only until March.