I'm honestly not surprised at all. TLOU was an amazing game and the highlight of 2013 IMO.
Edited by Infiltrat0rN7: 1/12/2014 10:14:36 PMThe AI in that game is shit >Be playing the last of us >Doing some weird sneaking thing to get away from the Military >Ellie and Tess is stand directly in the open >Get the -blam!- down you tards >Get spotted >sheit >2 MP's start firing at me >I run out of ammo >Go up to them to beat the hell out of them >One MP is running in circles and the other has some hatred against the trees >Go right next to the one who is running in circles >He keeps doing it >wat.jpg Also the first part of the game is more of a chore then anythings >Joel >Joel >get da ladder >joel >get go get dat ladder >joel >ladder is kill >no