I was playing Babbyfield 3 and taking off with my wingman in SU-35's on Op Firestorm, engine is working fine and were in the area. Later 2 F/A-18's appear, and these arn't normal pilots. They were pilots on the top of Jet Leaderboard but so was my wingman. After 10 minutes of spinning and evasions I-i see in the corner of my eye, the wingmans SU-35 gets shoot down killing him with it.
I was alone, scared, and was ready to get a royal ass pounding. Mobile AA,Stationary AA and F/A-18's directed all fire on me leaving me with a scarred jet. Knowing all hope was lost i popped opened the canopy and ejected out. M-My wingman died that day because of my shortcomings
So tell your gaming PTSD stories
Every damn game is a horror story in Space station 13.