I don't think what classes everyone is, is going to impact it much. I am consistently seeing players say that they need all 3 classes on their fireteam, and that is just silly.
I will list the reasons why.
1: All classes can use all guns, meaning Hunter does NOT need to be the sniper. Also anyone can use high DPS guns.
2: As of yet, all revealed classes have at least one AOE ability meaning Warlock is NOT required for killing crowds. That and ANYONE can use explosive weapons (Like a rocket launcher).
A: Warlock has a Solar Grenage, and the Nova Bomb.
B: Titan has Fists of Havok
C: Hunter has a wide AOE trap, with lots of shiny parts.
3: In a tactical shooter you enter combat at range using cover to block damage. Instead of hiding behind a "tank."
4: It constrains what players will do, potentially making them miss out of the fun of All _____s teams.
Just wanted people to read this and think about this game is gonna work, and not how other MMOs work.
Edited by Draegon Spawn: 1/8/2014 7:12:42 PMI am saying that you DON"T need all three classes on a team like most MMOs want. But lots of players are trying to make teams with DPS, SUPPORT, TANK. Trying to stop that stupid trend before it gets stuck here. This game is leaning toward freeform parties, but many people are locking themselves into a meta, that doesn't apply here.
Doesn't seen that's happening. I would want one if every class in a fireteam too as that would at more variety and you approach things differently. Not because I have to do that to do well, but because it allows things to be done differently.
Edited by raveun2me: 1/8/2014 6:35:53 PMI'm confused..Are you saying that Destiny is a MMO? Bcuz it's not a MMO