11's hour is up, time for the clock to strike 12.
Pumped for Capaldi's take on the Timelord, despite the fact we're probably only going to see him for a couple seconds. Hopefully he'll bring a dark element to the show that Eccleston also emanated.
Edited by Roose Bolton: 12/26/2013 9:19:18 PM[kidney stone intensifies]
Did they keep the scottish accent? I think they did, we need an angry Scottish doctor!!
Was not a fan. But then again, I've thought Moffat has been doing a terrible job for a long time now. Maybe Moffat will take a new direction with Capaldi. That would be nice. Otherwise I'll likely be done with DW until Moffat finally does the world a favor and takes his hands of the series.
Edited by Friendlystu: 12/26/2013 11:19:08 AMterrible ending hardly a single line out of capaldi before it ended as well as the whole gallifrey thing not being sorted out in the end. so slightly disappointed but it was alright overall.
Edited by ToastyWaffles: 12/26/2013 10:57:05 AMI have mixed feelings about the episode. It was kinda messy; we hardly saw anything of the war and the regeneration scene, while good, was a little abrupt. Also the ending retconned most of S7. What was the point in that? I'm also unhappy that the Silents were explained away as simply being genetically engineered confessional priests. I thought the Silents existence was tied to the Time Lords, as they were shown to have a timeship at the start of S6. And why was there a time crack behind 11's scary door? Why did he fear the crakcs more than anything else? The pay off felt so unsatisfying, and the overall episode missed some emotional beats (for me personally). I feel like Matt deserved a better regeneration story.
I loved it! Bit disappointed with the Gallifrey thing, but everything else was pretty fantastic! And Capaldi's opening line, hah :P If only he got more time than just the last 2 minutes...
As usual Moffat disappoints for the most part. He builds up to Gallifrey coming back throughout the episode, then seems to completely and totally change his mind mid episode....why even bloody bother practically retconning the first four seasons out of existence if you're not even going to bring Gallifrey back? The episode was just kind of anti-climactic, both as a Christmas Special, and as the conclusion to Matt Smith's whole entire run and his send-off.
Edited by carpet brain: 12/26/2013 4:38:52 AMUpset that we barely got a line out of Capaldi. Still, I liked it. I can't wait to see more of Capaldi in the series itself. I really want to see this new doctor and what he's bringing to the table.
I can't watch because of my lack of cable television and I have to wait a year just to watch it on Netflix.
Hopefully Capaldi's acting chops won't be squandered by Moffat, as was the case with Smith. I'm not really a fan of the whole Time War retcon thing but series 7 was pretty good, so I'll give it a shot.
I'm so excited! 3 and an half hours to go until I can see it!
Edited by Cultmeister: 12/25/2013 10:45:49 PMit was a cool episode. but just one question; how in the heck did The Doctor just HAPPEN to have the Seal of Rassilon on his person? he took it off The Master ages ago how could he possibly know he'd need it now? though i am still confused over why The Doctor had to stay in Christmas for 600 years... i'll rewatch it tomorrow.
I don't like Doctor Who. However, if Mr Capaldi played the role as Malcolm from The Thick Of It, I would be in there like swimwear.
is it strange that as soon as i saw Capaldi on screen i thought 'yep, that's The Doctor'? i mean the past few times it has taken me two or three episodes at least to get the hang of the actor but this time it was instant.
Can't wait. Still another 2 and 1/2 hours until it airs on BBC America. I'm sad to see Matt Smith go, but i'm interested in what this new Doctor will bring.
Pretty decent, rounded off all the loose ends of Matt Smith's plot. Wouldn't it be tragic if the Doctor's penance for being granted new lives is that he can't properly remember his old ones, hence Capaldi asking how to fly the TARDIS. Especially in light of Matt's 'I won't forget a single line of this' speech. This is definitely the route they should go down for dem tears.
Brilliant. Beautiful. Amazing. All of Eleven's plots tied up in a neat bow(-tie). Just a shame the regeneration was so quick.
Ok, what the hell did I just watch? What an absolute convoluted trainwreck of a plot.
Doctor Who sucks.
Time to watch Red Dwarf then.
Only 5 hours to go!
I'm experiencing mixed emotions of excitement and sadness
What time's it on?
:'( Eleven is my Doctor. Even though I think Ten was better, Eleven reminds me more of myself, and he's been pretty much my only cosplay in 2 years of the London MCM expo. I just hope I feel it. Ten made me feel. But I didn't feel as sad (though it certainly felt monumental) during Day. Capaldi should be awesome. :D