[url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=571385]This thread[/url] peaked my interest of online gaming. Bungie.net is an entirely different demographic, I'm curious to see what your results are.
What was your first online gaming experience? It doesn't have to be from a video game console either. It could be from MSN Messenger, Yahoo Games, Chess, PC games, when Xbox Live first launched and much more.
Mine was Warcraft 2, playing it with a friend back in 1999 upon launch. I would visit and we'd share an account together to play campaign and online against others. I've always enjoyed RTS games and played through Warcraft III (Frozen Throne) and play Starcraft as well.
Online? Well I guess that would be Halo 2. Even though I've had plenty of PC games in the past, I've always been a console gamer at heart and H2 was the first one that made online play awesome. [quote]It doesn't have to be from a video game console either. It could be from MSN Messenger, Yahoo Games, Chess, PC games.[/quote]Oh, well in that case my first game would have probably been one of those suite of games that came built into the old AOL browser such as Slingo. :D