Shhh no tears. Only dreams now.
Unrustle your jimmies #Offtopic. Unrustle your jimmies... The flying lawnmower forgives you..... :[i])[/i]
My jimmies have remained unrustled.
You stole my video
i can't tell which part of this i like more. the choir, the lawnmower, he fact that someone built the lawnmower, or that gorilla looking all precient
dat MLP thread doe
I feel so...cleansed...and elated.
I'm afraid my jimmies may be rustled beyond all hope.
OP is butthurt 10/10 yolo SWEG
My jimmies have healed and unrustled beyond what I deemed possible or plausible. I thanketh thy OP. May your jimmies remain unrustled.
-blam!- you