A Los Angeles comedian has thought of one of the most incredible ideas ever: [url=http://laist.com/2013/12/11/la_comedian_bakes_iphone_cookies_to.php]baking cookies that look like iPhones and trolling cops into pulling him over[/url].
Yes, in the end it turned out to be quite not so worth it for him but, I still give the man props for coming up with one of [i]the[/i] best worst ideas ever.
What a moron.
It's not even funny for one. Second, it's a waste of police time. Third, he deserved for it to backfire and have to pay this tickets now. It's all fun and games disrespecting the police until you need one. I hope he needs one very soon so he can feel like an ever bigger jerk.
Your cops pull you over for talking on the phone? lol
Because -blam!- the PoPo until you need one.
-blam!-ing dumb ass. It seriously pisses me off when people try to prank cops. They have a real job to do, unlike you.
Didn't he get arrested?
Been seeing that stupid picture clog up my feed on facebook. It was a neat idea, but damn people, it's not[i] that [/i]funny. [quote] Yes, in the end it turned out to be quite not so worth it for him but,[/quote]So how did it end for him?