I was perusing Yahoo and came across [url=http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/10/it-may-be-time-for-nintendo-to-make-games-not-consoles/?partner=yahootix]this[/url] article and decided to post it on here as I feel he makes a pretty well formed argument and have been of the same opinion for a couple of years, but have never seen anyone (nor been able to myself) word it as well as him.
I was going to provide a snippet of the first few paragraphs, but the site wouldn't let me highlight anything (that or my pc is being stupid) anyway, here's another [url=http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/10/it-may-be-time-for-nintendo-to-make-games-not-consoles/?partner=yahootix]link[/url] but be warned it's a bit lengthy.
If Nintendo would release there whole game catalog via there market place for different fees they would make so much money. Imagine being able to play some classic NES games via download for a small fee