So I'm getting an Xbox One and would like to get one good game for it that could occupy me for a decent amount of time.
I've heard Black Flag is a great game and it looks pretty stunning. People who have played it, would you recommend?
Also, I haven't played any previous assassin creed games, do you think that would be an issue? I'm sure I could pick up the controls fine but I'm worried about the story.
Edited by Braydzz: 12/12/2013 9:20:13 AMI don't think you need to know about previous AC games to play this one considering it is starting with a new character in present time and a new setting. I cant think of anything that is majorly recursive from the previous games besides the fact that Edward Kenway is Connor's grandpa but that obviously can't matter because AC3 happened 3 generations after Black Flag.. Anyways I think you are fine and im hooked on it I only played a few missions and got all the collectibles in 2 major cities and im at 23 hours and the map is pretty huge.