[url=http://www.thecommunitypaper.com/archive/2009/07_16/images/mountainman.jpg]Out Here In The Wild..[/url]
We want a nonthrowable Tomahawk Bungie
Why nonethrowable?
Throwing regular Axe and Knives were/are generally used for recreational purposes. Although it has been documented were soldiers/warriors would do so, there are specific knives and axe weaponry that are designed for throwing.
On today's battlefield, you wouldn't throw your last line of defense, usually a knife/bayonet or tomahawks or both at the enemy. You'd either hook it onto you barrel of your rifle effectively turning the rifle into a spear or use it in hand to hand combat. Tomahawks are still used on the battlefield and are not used as throwing weapons, they are used to protect yourself in a CQC/CQB situation.
Besides, tomahawks make for better assassinations, especially when in combo with a knife
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO6tYl4eAaU]Tomahawk and Knife Combo[/url]
I'm disappointed that they followed so many other games and made a throwing *insert blade weapon here*. Makes me sorta scared what else they added from other games. But I see why they did it. These things are LOVED by so many people and it will attract some wandering eyes.