You pretty porching cool.
You're not an attention whore which is a plus.
Totes. Why would I, of all people, whore for attention?
Because you need to noticed by strangers on the internet to feel good about yourself because your father was distant when you were a child. Right? No. just me then.
My dad actually died when I was 12 so..... maybe a little?
S'okay. We'll get through this.
My post was a complete lie. I have a pretty healthy family life.
Oh... Well.. Death happens.
It does. Sorry for your loss though.
S'okay.. I've suffered from much more, believe it or not.
You're an attractive woman on a site mostly comprised of horny, male teens so most women would attention whore because they don't feel special in thier life. But you don't attention whore so that's good.
But... this is attention whoring. :(
And you seem to have a lot of attention so I guess you win! :) You have double the posts more then I do in my thread.