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I'm not making this thread so I can attention whore, honestly, I really am not (Well maybe I am.)
The people I use to always talk to on here, well, I don't really talk to them anymore, which is a shame, because they really are cool people. Some of you may like me because of some of the things I say, do, etc. and some of you don't like me because of some of my personal beliefs and opinions on certain topics, and you know what? That's fine by me.
I just want to know what you all think of me so I can take this information into account in future posts to try to better the relations I have (or had) with certain people on this site, except for 1 person that is.
So I'll pose the question again, what is your honest opinion of me?
your cool you kicked ironman's ass with your whips :3
[b]Tell me I'm pretty![/b]
[i] [/i]
I like your legs.
Give me your noodz pls
I want to -blam!- you
I know exactly what you mean when you say most of the cool people are gone. Old bnet is dead, man. Those of us that were fAmOuS back in the days just can't compete with the inane shitposting of today without stooping that low ourselves. Dayum shame.
Edited by Legend To None: 12/7/2013 6:37:55 AM......Shitposter.......Th first one was good now these are jut retarded... [Edit]-Ok so I was just tired of these posts but here my actual opinion- You seem pretty cool, but I don't know you. Only from Otthild's(Now Goddess of Gifs -facepalm-) posts of you two.
Also, you love Maynard. I would die with you in battle.
You're one of the few people who I actually agree with on most things. Not to mention you're pretty cool. Stay around oldfgt k?
Haha you're awesome man!
Well, to tell you the truth Squiggy, I don't see a whole lot of you on here. I remember you back in the old days, but not very well. So my standing opinion of you is that you have a cool name.
I would make love to you.
Baby girl, you're hot