I am simply sharing something I found online that I found interesting. The post below is not written by me so put away the pitchforks. I have bolded the interesting part.
[u][b]In terms of crime, black americans commit 32.9% of crime in the united states, despite only compromising 16.3% of the U.S. population http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cvus06.pdf
in terms of unemployment rates, blacks consistently score higher than any other race or minority, by a long shot. http://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat05.pdf
Just drawing from 2005 as an example, 7999 blacks die on an annual basis, 93% of which died from violence from other blacks. No other race or minority, again, even comes close to those numbers http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2013/jul/17/tweets/look-statistic-blacks-and-murder
In terms of prison populations, blacks compromise 39.4% of prison population, while only compromising 16.3% of the population http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States
In terms of welfare statistics, blacks compromise 39.8% of welfare recipients while, again, only being 16.3% of the population[/b][/u]
TL;DR: Read the underlined bold print.
Thoughts flood?
Edited down to just the stats because people were getting distracted.