Definitely the didact and Tarturus. Various Mario enemies (besides bowser) such as Bouldergeist which is a ghost boss from Super Mario Galaxy.
Sephiroth in kingdom hearts 2. So much rage and many attempts.
These four gentlemen on my SL 10 playthrough. I don't think I'm in shit, [i]I KNOW I'M IN SHIT.[/i]
The hydra from Spartan Total Warrior.
Lucien from Fable 2. I still can't beat him.
Aliens colonial Marines has two. All though that maybe because aliens gave me nightmares when I was little.
Bloaters in TLOU on survivor. Especially if you do not have the flamethrower.
I just got to Apprehension on Black Mesa. ICTHYOSAAAAUUUUR.
The Uber-Necromorphs in Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2
Helicopters in Modern Warfare.
Death claws