Simple bug:
1. Post a comment
2. Click edit
3. Cancel
4. Click edit again
5. All the text is gone from the reply box.
I'm on Google Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57 m (Achronos please understand)
A fairly bothersome bug when the system is designed to mitigate refreshing during posting.
[spoiler]I know my bug reports aren't as cool as Hylebos's so shut it[/spoiler]
This happens if the data on the rest of the page was not updated as well. Say you update a post and change it to something else, then finish and close the edit, then start another one. The rest of the page is outdated, and so your second edit will not take effect until you refresh the page before doing it again. Just make sure to refresh the page after your first edit, and you won't run into that anymore.