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11/29/2013 9:38:16 PM

Which Controller do you Prefer and Why?

Xbox One Controller


DualShock 4 (PS4)


I have only tried one.


I have no experience with either.


Now that the smoke has somewhat cleared, which new generation controller do you prefer and why? I also hope that you guys would vote accurately on personal experience. Not on reviews or preconception. For Instance, if you've only used one, say that you've only used one. Thanks. Anyways, I will now express my opinion on the subject. I have extensively used the DS4 and I am very impressed. This is coming from someone who despised the DS3. I love the improved handles and shape of the controller along with subtle texturing found on the controller. I also deeply enjoy the concave form of the DS4's analog sticks along with the improved spacing, which was my main issue with the DS3, along with the handles. I also have to mention that I really like the kind of triggers installed in R2 and L2. Now I'll just finish up with the more exclusive features, such as the Speaker, Touch Pad, and Light Bar. First, the speaker, it is a very cool concept an I'm sure developers will find interesting ways to use it, but I would rather not have my controller talking to me. The touch pad is neat, sadly I have not played any games where it finds use...yet. Now the last thing is the light bar, which is my favorite of the new additions. It adds a really new modern look and I think it just plainly looks cool, not much more to say really. Well that just about finishes up what I think of the DS4. Sadly I have not used the Xbox One yet, so I have no opinion of it. Which I hope you guys would deliver.

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  • I got my Xbone just over 24 hrs ago, the controller Is by far my favorite part of the console so far. Back to memorizing some more Kinect commands.

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    • The duke.

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    • Xbox One controller is absolutely amazing. Has excellent build quality, ergonomics, and just feels like a VERY premium product.

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    • I was able to try out both today and was really pleased with what I experienced. DS4 felt like a monumental improvement over the DS3. In terms of form factor and how it simply felt ergonomically, I would say it reminded me of the 360 controller. Very solid controller and the only real "disappointment" I had was with the travel of the triggers. Eventhough they were vastly improved, they just didn't feel as satisfying to use as the 360 gamepad triggers. Next up: the X1 gamepad. I should preface this by first saying that I've been exposed to impressions/articles/videos for months now where people would bash the X1 controller, so most of my time with the controller was spent trying to put those complaints to the test. The biggest complaint I've read about is concerning the bumpers. I've come to realize that people complaining that they're 'hard to press' are simply [u]using them wrong[/u]. If you try to use the bumpers as you would on the 360 pad by lifting your finger off of the triggers and then clicking them down with the tip of your index finger, you'll notice they actually require a lot of force to press. However, if you hold on to the controller with your index fingers on the triggers, you can then press down the bumpers rather effortlessly by pressing down your interphalangeal joint (your knuckle) on the bumper. Given the ergonomics of the triggers and the bumpers, I would say that it how it is intended to be used, and it's quite smart actually and something I unexpectedly liked very much. The buttons and thumbsticks were smaller, however the grip on the thumbsticks made them feel really good. The sticks were more loose than the 360, but not quite as loose as the DS3. The impulse triggers were honestly a game changer for me. They're subtle, but just imagining their use in the next Halo or TitanFall makes me gush. Overall, both controllers were very good. I ended up just slightly preferring the X1 controller, mostly for the triggers (and also probably because of a personal bias for the 360 gamepad). There is definitely not going to be unanimous agreement over which controller is better this gen like there was last gen.

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    • Xbox controller fits in my giant hands better.

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    • Super Nintendo controller FTW!

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      • Dualshock 4

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      • I've used both, and they are both GREAT controllers, unlike last gen where DS3 was pretty much a big ol pile of steaming shit. But I've always been an Xbox guy, its where my friends, family, and exclusives are... as well as my favorite controller. At least now I can stand to play a Playstation without my hands bleeding.

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      • Edited by Faliz18: 11/29/2013 9:43:47 PM
        Don't know. However, I have a strong disliking of previous Playstation controllers. The sticks are nice, but everything else feels like its about to break as soon as I apply a little bit of pressure. Don't even get me started on the shitty R2/L2 which basically rendered the PS3 incapable of competitive FPS

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        • I'm going to go with the xbox one controller simply because of the analogue sticks, they just feel better.

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        • I haven't used either yet, but based on my experience with the 360 and PS3 controllers I'd choose the Xbox One controller. I have heard that the DS4 is a huge improvement over the DS3 though.

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