[url=/en/News/News?aid=11301]"The Bungie Novembercast"[/url]
We see u deej with the necrobump
CLEAR! *zaps dead post*
Bump hehe
To whomever necrobumped this: May all the items you microwave be cold in the center. May all your headphones have only one working side/earpiece. May the vowel keys on your keyboard stop working. May your TVs be forever slightly off color. May your shoes always come untied 10 minutes after putting them on. May your radios only play stations that are half static. May your sleep be forever restless. May someone who did not wash their hands always prepare your food. May you walk across legos when you get out of bed. May your cookie fall to the bottom of your glass of milk. May the snooze button on your alarm never work. May you always be a penny short when paying with cash. May your fries forever come out cold with no salt.
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Why isn't this on iTunes?
Out of the woodwork - based on the idea of insects that suddenly come out from under boards in a house where they have been hidden. Did I do that right? LOL
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Hello! Jen said that two players watched a sunset together. Does that mean there will be weather effects and a night and day cycle??
"Drink that up. Happy birthday, you little shit." So many lolz were had. I had to pause.
Edited by I couldnt unlink my old PS: 11/28/2013 6:22:16 PMWe will be able to play spit-screen with a local friend right?
Interesting but can we please have some more game stuff next podcast, please?
It looks to me that they are doing a podcast every month.
Can we know the day you're going to tell us the release date?
Ugly babies. Ugly babies everywhere.
I haven't been this euphoric for an FPS in almost a decade. The rehashing of sequels for the last several cycles has made me cynical of developers and the industry. Thank you for being willing to take a creative risk and innovate.
Coming out of the woodwork: It comes from when insects would come out of the floorboards and such where they had been hiding/living. It's in relations to how houses used to be built almost entirely by wood and the insects could even be brought in with the logs. Also, the boards weren't as well sealed so the bugs could get through from the dirt below (or from the cellar if you had one).
Is it supposed to be audio only?
I wonder which Casino Royale chair they were talking about... I don't remember it very well.
What was the offensive word? I need to know!
Great podcast. Fun & informative,