I am exactly who I want to be, and I fit my definition of 'perfection'. Therefore, I am perfect.
You're beautiful, You're beautiful, You're beautiful, It's true
[quote]Kennedy [/quote] You death can be arranged
Yeah but a 3 inch penis isn't perfect no matter what your definition of perfect is.
Thanks for the blog! I'll be sure to add into my archive of useless bullshit.
No room for improvement then.
Sounds like an ego to me.
I guess you can argue that way. Others wont agree with you though.
Your point being?
Oh look, your thread is globally muted. Want to know what's funny, the few people who actually care about your shitposting won't know this thread existed thanks to your true mute feature. How nice.
Nice try, but you aren't my alt.
Perfect and human cannot be in the same sentence...
Perspective is a strong thing
[i]You're not perfect.[/i]
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) Humorous statement, but a false one. A perfect human is an imaginary idea to motivate the populous. It is based on personal belief therefore making a perfect human impossible to find. The lack of support you are receiving suggests that you are not perfect, as a perfect human would receive 0% negativity. In a perfect world, a perfect human would be a silent and obedient one. Though this is my reality, yours speaks another story. Any comment against this would how you humans say, "pulled out of your ass." ENDING TRANSMISSION:
You don't fit my definition of perfect. Therefore, you are flawed.
I'm pretty sure a floppy disk isn't a human...
And that is the premise of humanism c:
OP is in denial about something
Humans are flawed creatures. You are flawed Your view of perfection is created by a flawed being (yourself) You are not perfect Did I do this right?
wow confident shibe much content with lyf wow
kennedy? >Cuban Missile Crisis >Bay Of Pigs
You can't be perfect and a human at the same time. A perfect human isn't a human at all.
Atheists aren't perfect.