"Bungie.net is currently hosted at 360Networks (USA). This domain is connected to IP address which is hosted on a server that appears to be located in Kirkland, United States. This site has a Google Pagerank of: 7. This domain is ranked number 40160 in the world. We estimate this website generates about $63 USD of daily revenue. It seems Bungie.net has about 20,950 daily visitors. Taking into account all these variables, we estimate the value of this website at: $44,624 USD."
If you want to see more info on this website click on the link. Pretty good stuff. I expected like 200-500 maybe 1000 people visiting a day lol.
*Types in a few lesser known porn sites.* *All of them have more traffic than this place.* Shit that is just pathetic Bungie step up your game.