originally posted in:Sociopaths United
Well join SU, we'd never betray you!
[spoiler]We have a girl, and an british guy (I said an because grammar is all different in the jolly old motherland, mate), and we have the most hardworking and under-appreciated member of the Bnet community, Viltre.
We also have funny threads and a nice mix of quality discussion, edgy humor, and group bonding.[/spoiler]
>implying anyone would want to join a group with you in it >implying anyone wouldn't want to join a group with me in it uh oh paradox
They have to try and win over playstation players more than Xbox players since they had no titles on the ps3 or ps2. Everyone on Xbox has had years of bungie Sony hasn't so of course they are going to push advertising and everything to get them interested. Plus they are getting paid, meanwhile everyone in Xbox already knows bungie makes good games (scratch that reach fiasco, solid game just not halo). If they focused on Xbox they'd push off a large number of playstation user whereas Xbox players will pick it up and the timed dlc exclusive isn't that big of a deal.
A girl!?!? I'm in
Troll go away
Edited by Bloodylaser: 11/27/2013 4:35:28 AMNo I don't and I think it's a good idea of what there doing to the PS gamers considering we had them for 10 years
Enough of these ridiculous threads already.
Edited by COW GUY: 11/27/2013 1:48:56 AMNope. Not betrayed at all. But I might join. Only one question. are you guys active? [spoiler] [quote]we have a girl[/quote] those people out there. WHAT? A GIRL? LET ME IN!!! [/spoiler]
No. If anything, they are fulfilling a promise of exclusive content on the PS4. Isn't that the exact opposite of betrayal; fulfilling promises?
Never betray some one .. What if I paid you 50 million dollars over the next 5 years to give me content first
And you have a Crazy Dutch Bastard
Edited by o_____________o: 11/27/2013 1:25:51 AMNo, they are a business first. Anybody who expected otherwise is a naive idiot.
My response to this betrayal
No, should I?
That's an outright fucking lie.
Ignored, but not betrayed.
[quote]and an british guy (I said an because grammar is all different in the jolly old motherland, mate)[/quote]No it's not.
"and an british guy (I said an because grammar is all different in the jolly old motherland, mate)" That is the single most stupid statement in the history of mankind, it is so stupendously stupid im not going to even attempt to explain how stupid it is.
Does SU have pnas?
Betrayed? No. Neglected? Yes.
This makes no sense