Proceeds go to the [url=http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/]Wounded Warrior Project[/url]. Here is the [url=http://www.ebay.com/itm/Microsoft-White-Xbox-One-Employee-Gift-ONLY-ONE-FOR-U-S-GENERAL-PUBLIC-BID-NOW-/271319426735?]Ebay Page[/url], lasts until November 18th. The Xbox One is already over 10K, anyone want to get a white xbox one?
The black one runs faster though.
I'll laugh if the person that buys this gets their console bricked because of hardware issues.
They'll make it available to the public eventually.
Not gunna lie, that thing looks nice.
Damn, that looks nice.
Damn, I would love that one. White looks great.
It's for Microsoft employees only.
It must be absurd to hear that to me, the White one looks more Next-Gen than the Black version.
They shoulda been all white
I hate Major Nelson so much and I don't know why.
A white one will come out eventually.
Lol. Why not just buy a Xbox and paint it white?
White xbox -10k Black xbox - $500 Joking aside , why isn't there an option to have black or white ? The white compliments the vents and architecture of the Xbox one way better than "liquid black"
*Takes regular Xbox One and paints it white.* *Photoshop Major Nelson into a photo with it.* *Put it on eBay* *$11,000 bids* "Epic success." Well, that's my plan anyway.
I'll just annoy a certain someone until he sends me his!
Damn, it´s pretty sexy in white.
I'd rather wait a half of a year or so before they release it for retail.
OVER 9000!!
That's racist!!!!!
The white Xbox One looks so lunch better than the black lol. I wish Microsoft gave us a choice between the white and black Xbox One.
should have been the standard look
Reverse Orea Xbox One. Nice.
Meh I prefer black.
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) My console will be as dark as the night sky, deeper than oblivion, it will be the housing of your human nightmares. It will be an unstoppable force of destruction and chaos with an unmistakable feeling of despair that trails in its path. It is the very definition of death and it is the... one we are all getting. ... ... MAY YOU USE IT WELL! ENDING TRANSMISSION:
Not that I'm getting an XB1, but that looks sexy.
That looks so good.