Call of Duty Ghosts is simply a masterpiece of video game design. Along with my colleague Damien Sandow I represent one of a handful of the enlightened masses. The gameplay is fast, fluid, and utterly innovative. As Mr. Sandow so brilliantly states, the game is so innovative that it does not need to innovate. Name one other first person shooter that changes as little as Call of Duty while maintaining a large player base. It's impossible. Why? Because Call of Duty has perfected the technique and is paving the future of video games.
The story is a beautiful metaphor in itself. The Ghosts represent the enlightened individuals who understand the true brilliance of the series. The enemies represent the uneducated masses who cannot comprehend the ridiculously high quality of the installment, and it is the job of the enlightened to deliver true justice to the mainstream.
There is absolutely no other video game that can match Call of Duty Ghosts' intense and fast paced gunplay. The game is so skill based that it takes skill to make the game take skill. People have to come up with new, inventive ways to restrict themselves so they can come up with an in game challenge. This develops the skills of the player and leads to a much more knowledgable individual. A Call of Duty Ghosts player can easily best a player of the competition, especially in games which require teamwork.
All in all, Call of Duty Ghosts is the most competitive game of the previous generation and will undoubtedly be one of the most competitive of the coming generation as well. The game tells a beautiful story and continues the series' affinity for innovation. Excellent work Infinity Ward. The enlightened embrace you with open, next generation arms.
Yep call of duty is bad, let's move on
-people that don't read hash tags and comment blindly.
Gr8 review m8! 8/8
I thought Call of Duty Ghosts sucked and wasn't very fun. So did many of my friends, and we are all pretty good Cod players. Cod Ghosts is a bad game, and that's putting it lightly
Perfect review. I give it Gojira/10.
Call Of Duty: Ghosts on Xbox One Review- I wish I could have had a BO2 port instead -___-
I'm so glad this got bumped.
Wow. 9/10
I'm thought bo2 was better -_-
[b] [/b]
Here's a perfectly accurate review: LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL ROFLMAO.
I barely understood your name and I am pleased.
Ok this troll post. Is really funny. Round of applause for brilliant genius who put this post together.
It's an enjoyable game, but not the greatest
I'm gonna buy this after I get my Day One edition of my Xbone. Should I kill myself?
My dogey got shot sad times :/--(
[quote]I represent one of a handful of the enlightened masses.[/quote] Another invader of from the Enlightenment Army...
10/10 or 9/10
but will there be more doge?
I bet you still bought it, prick.