I want to know who owns a gun here, who doesn't own a gun, and who will one day own a gun. The more important question, though, is [i]why[/i].
If you own a gun, is it because you can, even though you don't really need it? Or is it because you use it for hunting, or for defense?
If you don't, is it because you don't feel like it, or because you actively oppose guns?
If you don't own a gun because you are underage, do you intend to acquire a gun when you become an adult? Why or why not?
Or to you have a more specific reason?
If you have a strong feeling towards guns, say why. If you do, I won't argue, even if I disagree. But if you express a strong opinion without giving facts or personal experiences to back it up, I will argue violently.
EDIT: option two should say "a dangerous area"
The underaged option should finish "grown up"
SECONDARY EDIT: I'm impressed by the legit responses and lack of argument. My faith in humanity is somewhat restored.
Why yes, yes I do. [url=http://i.imgur.com/VFKG3w1.jpg]My Mosin Nagant in it's old configuration. I had it set up as a scout rifle, but since I refinished the stock I have decided to run it naked for a while[/url]. I've also forgone the idea of the bipod. It could not handle the force of the recoil. Basically, it fell off after 10 shots or so at the range. So I just kept it off. I then found my self screwing around with it and it ended up biting me in my thumb. It is now buried deep in my closet to prevent me from further injuring my self with it. I also make gun porn with them. [url=http://i.imgur.com/yrIwa09.jpg]mmm so sexy[/url] Not pictured are my father's guns. Which are technically mine since I am the one who fucking takes care of them. Winchester Model 94 30-30. it's a 50 Vintage so not really old. Ruger 10/22 Ruger Single six Revolver (It's a .22) Llama Firearms .38 ACP 1911 clone. (shittiest piece of shit I ever had the pleasure to shoot. Dem Failure to feeds)