I'm sorry, but it's beyond belief how bad this infection is on the internet. Neogaf and /v/ are raiding YouTube videos with any mention of Xbox One, and are accusing IGN of uploading a doctored video of the PS4 vs. Xbox One comparison.
They're beyond the worst fanbase on the internet. They always attack the opposing side, and it was the same way when Vita/Wii U launched. What the hell is wrong with these people?
Who do you think are the worst though?
I find the idea of saying one group over the other is worse to be stupid, both sides are capable of the exact same thing. Should the roles be reversed the same thing would still happen. I will say though that I have seen more nasty comments/actions from people who claim to be PS4 "supporters" but those action are just as embarrassing to the entire gaming community. And no, I am not unbiased since I will be getting only an Xbox One at launch.