They are a different race and class, and you've never met them before. They're headed straight for a very difficult dungeon, and you're not doing anything particularly important. This guardian also has a microphone and speaks your language.
What do you do?
I go and help them out lol but i call a few frends
Edited by Sir Badger: 11/2/2013 10:07:54 AMBy the way, PVP is a player's choice. Everything is a choise. Choises raining from the sky.
No announcement has made me happier than learning "ganking" won't be possible! No assholes/pansies sniping me while I'm finishing up a quest or when a boss I've been fighting for 10 minutes has 2% health left =D thank you bungie for not giving control of this game to mass of jackasses and Dbags that will undoubtedly play =)
Wow...lots of Aholes wanting to "gank" the guardian. This is ridiculous lol...I doubt destiny is the sort of game with massive open pvp environments. Why would there be???? We are on the same side fighting earthling killing aliens -.- take your silly pvp to an instances battleground or arena and keep it FAR away from the open world. ANYWAY, If I wasn't doing anything important on my own, I could only benefit from tagging along (separate loot and all woot!) so yea...I'd raid alongside this fellow guardian
Tell them "I'll handle the strong ones". Then turn to page 49.
Follow, pretending help, then dance during the firefight
Edited by Lord Keksworth: 11/2/2013 2:22:29 AMI'd do whatever I'd feel like doing in that case. Maybe go somewhere else. Maybe stop playing and go eat lunch.
Keep over watch on him/her. Save his/ preferably her life...fall in love and you can guess the rest.
Well, I would be with my clan/group. I'd have us all wait to see what is going on if he/she enters alone we will go in after. When he/she turns to run away we would block the way, we'd wait for him/her to ask for help. But if he/she fired at us we'd kill him/her loot the glowing ball and leave. (or finish the dungeon)
i will probably walk up to him and see if he's hostile if not i will invite him to a party and see if his language is gangster or hes a gentlemen if in between i will be happy and we will play together.
If they head in without waiting, I won't think anything of it and move along. If they appear to be waiting at the entrance, I'll make myself visible and grant them the opportunity to ask for help. Maybe I'll wave and say hi, too, just to show that I'm in a state of leisure at that moment and have the time to make friendly gestures at strangers.
I will hide in the shadows as a Hunter and observe his character from the distance of my sniper. If I feel that he is honorable and not just some fool that wondered off into danger I will save him in the Nick of time when it gets rough with my flame bullet from my sniper and he will not know who saved him or what even happened.
Kill them and take their loot.
Definatly follow and see what he is up to. THough I speak to hum her, ill just hang back and watch.
Stop!!!...ill come join you mate
Yell out loudly that you are the conductor of the poop train..... And think in your head those will be my last words
Crack a bottle , let your body wobble, Dont act like a crazy model you just hit the lottooooo.
Ride a potato train into battle.
Pull a frankieonpc on them and put a gun towards the back of their head. If I fee them worthy, fine. If not...
Mug them, fight to the end of the dungeon using only a taser, and then leave them buck nude with no weapon to fight their way out after you dosed them with LSD.
Dance party!!
Is begin masturbating furiously an option? Seriously...avoid me in the wilds.
Shoot him. If he stops, then I walk over and ask if he needs help. If so, then we go off and become legend together.
Ask if they need assistance.
If you can pvp then you help them along set a remote det explosive by the entrance, fight the boss then us the explosives to kill them and take all the loot for your self Or just help them and become best friends