i've been a gamer since the days of atari/odyssey and i have not collected any game related figures till the ps3 era. my little collection consist of Kratos, zeus, hades, blade of chaos and pandora box from GOW. few different costume figures of different sizes from LBP. Skyrim collectors edition dragon. plasma cutter from DS. Drake collectors edition from uncharted 3. lara from tomb raider collector edition. legion and tali from Mass Effect 3. As big as this game is going to be there will definitely be some figures. i can already tell you that i'll be adding few figures to my collection from the DESTINY universe. i may even go big and get one of the gun replica if they have something like what they did in mass effect (although the geth pulse rifle they got going now for $750 is a bit too steep) first and foremost will be a hunter. if somehow they can make one where you customize like the one you have in game, NOW THAT WOULD BE EPIC. Second will be a silver dollar.
if you are one who buys such things what would you want to see and get??