The first thing I thought of when i asked myself this question was "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Then I realized that all 3 of those things could be taken away, "so I'm entitled to nothing". Realizing that was kind of depressing, So I put a qualifier on it. "So long as life is not taken what are we entitled to?" after some deliberation I realized that the only things we are entitled to are own "thoughts" and "choices". Both of these things can be limited but neither can be completely taken away. What does the flood think we are entitled to?
You're not entitled to shit. You have to earn your place in this world.
No force should limit people to anything less than: healthcare, housing, food, opportunity, equality, freedom of speech, justice, security, and education. There's probably more, but this is all that's coming to my mind.
Depends. For some practically everyone is entitled to food, clean water, shelter and equal opportunities. Anyway in life you have the freedom to pursue anything. Yes you may not get it, but you did go for it. Sadly we complain about this while many lack basic rights and are taken advatage of like slaves.
Edited by Dick VanDick: 10/20/2013 2:59:58 AMWhat we are enttitled to is a hard question... as a subnormal human who lives in America (what country you live in is a factor some of the time). I think of my liberty's are, freedom and guts There two things is what make 'us' well 'us' to ventuer in to the wild green yawnder. And to explore throught out our terraqueous world and even more abysmal lives. We will encounter troubled waters. but that is a fact not an option. Even if you spend your life in the safty of monotony and reptation you will still have your own unique problems. so all in all I'm say that in trouble there is peace of mind and in staignet life you still have your own happyness. Happyness is an objective topic so I cant really get into that. Soo... Yeah... Hope this makes some sense, even if it is just one person. Oh and one last thing. One person can change the world. The world being someones view of it that is.
Objectively? Nothing.
You are always entitled the the pursuit of happiness. The mere pursuit is not happiness itself, and you may even pursue it to the outside of this life if you wish. This is suicide. Thus, you may always pursue it, though you may be prevented from achieving it.
You are entitled to life. Entitle is another word for legal right. You have the legal right to live, seeing as it is illegal to take someone's life, intentionally or not.