>Be me
>Be at library
>Using my laptop
>Cute girls all over the floor
>Put headphones into my laptop
>Listen to video above
>Video is half way done, I look up
>Everyone is staring at me
>Some of the cute girls are trying to hold in laughter
>I take off my phones
>Realize my headphones are in the mic slot
>Quickly pack up my stuff and leave
>Cry in the car for 20 minutes before driving home
I'm never going back to that library ever again.
Edited by Mojo1965: 1/3/2017 8:59:37 PMwow thats pretty wizard
Edited by A Wild Sceptile: 10/20/2013 5:20:40 PM
Started a new topic: Library... I know your feels, Ian.(9 Replies))
See? You could have completely turned that situation around by calmly taking your headphones off, looking directly at the crowd, and saying "Problem?" Own that shit like you don't have a care in the world.
And most of the members of this forum wonder why they never get laid.
That's karma for listening to that song.
Edited by Zubb The Zombie: 10/20/2013 6:07:45 PMI proudly carry around a JBL Micro speaker and blare my music at everyone. Most people like my music and if they don't.... To F-ing Bad For Them! To steal a line from my brother: "Do you know why my neighbors listen to pendulum?" [spoiler]"Because They [i]F[/i]ucking have to!"[/spoiler]
Why the fuck would you listen to that?
I don't even think waifu master would dare to play this in public. [spoiler] I had the mic/headphone thing happen ,but at my house. I always put headphones low or just loud enough that you only hear the beat.[/spoiler] [quote] And they wonder why they don't get laid. [/quote]
Oh boy.
My God... [i]This[/i]... is the reason I never listen to music in public place
This is probably one of the most pathetic things I've ever read on this website.
Who cares what 3-D girls think about you anyway
>Listening to anime girls singing "music" >Not listening anime girls singing choir songs from glorious Mother Russia.
What is that audio monstrosity?!
( ̄▽ ̄)
That's why I always play my music really low when I first plug my headphones in. Not that I listen to this shit...
[i] [/i]
Ouch, At least they probably didn't understand the lyrics... That would have been worse I think.
Who are you quoting?
pfffffff hahahaha i wish i was there