Trending topics seems to change very slowly, with the top thread in the same place for weeks.
Are the threads really that popular, or is the system broken?
[quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos If it fixes the Trending page, it will be worth it! [quote][[b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Fixing that requires taking the forums offline for a while. It is on the list, but not an immediate pressing concern. [/quote][/quote][/url] [quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] Owenz Ownz [quote]yessssss! I get to quote myself: [quote]Owenz OwnzAug 5 at 3:44:20 PM Permalink OK, so...after some digging it looks like the trending weights got a bit skewed as a sid-effect of the latest update. This should work itself out and get back to normal over the next week...[/quote][/quote] [/quote][/url]