Trending topics seems to change very slowly, with the top thread in the same place for weeks.
Are the threads really that popular, or is the system broken?
It's been broken since the very beginning of August. Hopefully they fix it soon.
[quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos If it fixes the Trending page, it will be worth it! [quote][[b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Fixing that requires taking the forums offline for a while. It is on the list, but not an immediate pressing concern. [/quote][/quote][/url] [quote][url=][b]Posted by:[/b] Owenz Ownz [quote]yessssss! I get to quote myself: [quote]Owenz OwnzAug 5 at 3:44:20 PM Permalink OK, so...after some digging it looks like the trending weights got a bit skewed as a sid-effect of the latest update. This should work itself out and get back to normal over the next week...[/quote][/quote] [/quote][/url]
Nah they haven't worked in ages, it's not just you.