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Edited by Stark: 10/19/2013 9:13:56 PM

Destiny Beta-Key Contest/Giveaway

Hello Destiny community and good day to you. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Beta Winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr Midas congratulations! Through the blessing of The Traveler I have been blessed with an extra Beta Key that I plan on give out to one lucky guardian. Long Story short I got one in an email from my pre order provider after I had gone in and got my printed receipt beta code. I have checked and the two codes are different and unique from each other. I now plan on passing the extra spoils onto you, the Destiny community through a simple contest. Contest: The winner will be chosen at random, to be entered into the drawing you need to do three simple things. 1. Follow Me 2. Post a "positive criticism" post on my current story chapters. Spam and troll post will be disregarded and will not be counted as a post. 3. And finally for a little extra incentive, I would like you to write a short story describing a character of your choice, preferable human. I say human because we know very little about the other races. I say this also because the winner will also have their character featured in my next and upcoming chapter and if they are a human it makes it much easier for me to write them in. The dead line for the Beta Key will be Sunday 8pm Central Time. One week from this Post. Chapter One: (Destiny) Chapter Two: (Destiny) Chapter Three: (Destiny) Chapter Four: (Destiny) Chapter Five: Here are the links to all my chapters so far, have fun and good luck to everyone. Edit* Since some people "need" some clarification for the purpose of my three steps I will give them. 1. Following allows you to more easily find my post and threads. After the give away you will have no need to follow me any further and may un-follow. 2. I would much appreciate other people's comments on my chapters thus far so that I may improving them further as the story un folds. 3. I've wanted to do something of this kind for my stories for some time now. What better way then in a contest, kill two birds with one stone. Doing it this way does more for the Destiny community the just doing a free for all, first come first serve. Those who really want to get into the beta will put forth the little bit of effort I am asking for. Doing it this way I feel levels the playing field for everyone.

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  • [spoiler]I love your story DHG Stark. Lily is a special one and I can't think of no one better that Stark to take care of her. Other that the small grammatical errors, I would like to see some more descriptive details on the settings and some of the people( like the hothead Paige) Keep up the good work!😃[/spoiler] Short Story The Traveler. The white orb in the sky that watches over the denizens of the last stronghold on Earth. The sun nor the moon could never come close to the mysterious ball. And yet, Alice starred far beyond the Travelver at the setting sun. Her mind was in a frenzy as she recalled the day's events, especially her conversation with the Commander.[i]This mission had been ordered by the Council themselves and they expect you and your father to get it done.[/i]she replayed the statement in her mind like a recording.[i]Why would the Council choose my father and I when there are others better suited?[/i]She turned away from the window to face the mirror in front of her. She starred at the girl in the mirror. She is very pretty with her long chestnut hair, warped ever so carefully together into a braid that rested on her chest. Her small facial features were highlighted by her pale complexion. And her cerulean eyes that could instantly make anyone nervous. She was slightly taller that her fellow guardians with a beautiful body to match, which got her all the looks from the men. Just like her mother and father. [i]Father.[/i]Her father was nothing like her. While she spent her time studying and educating herself, her father allowed for his career to dip into a downward spiral. Once, she looked up to him as the perfect example of what a guardian should be, but he doesn't act like one. She had to support herself and yet, her father spends the profits on cheap alcohol. His life of bounty hunting and disrespectful attitude has gotten a bad reputation, but he gets the job done. Years of strict discipline has turned her into the kind of person she is proud of.[i]Smart, friendly,willing,courageo-[/i] [i]Voooommm!![/i]The engines of a low flying vessel broke Slice out of her deep meditation. She quickly got to her feet and began fumbling around her dormitory for her hooded robe. She would it when crossing into the bad part of town, especially because of her natural beauty and the curse that it always brought along. She would her wear her newly polished armor, but she would get to far without someone trying to kill her for it. Alice her trusty hand cannon ,[i]Great Expectations[/i], and placed it in it's respective holster. She quickly put on the robe with relative ease and turned around to face the mirror one last time.[i]Father might not be ready for a mission like this, but I am.[/i]she thought to herself. She walked out the door and began the walk to the nearest elevator. A small, confident smile started forming on her lips as the door[/url] behind her hissed it's usual farewell [i]Be Brave.[/i]

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    • Edited by Masenko: 10/8/2013 3:12:48 AM
      Ok, first off, the constructive criticism. I have three things. 1) The character of Lily bothers me somewhat. I would imagine that she would have become a little more hardened after living in the wild with Stark. I can understand why you would want to keep that lightheartedness to contrast with Stark's more lonely warrior attitude, but she should at least have picked up a few fighting skills. 2) Redundancy. Often times you repeat words in a sentence or in a paragraph. This is a very simple thing to fix that makes for a much smoother read. You have been getting better since chapter one but there is still room for improvement here. 3) Monographs. "Monographs" are what I call really really long paragraphs. Breaking things up into smaller paragraphs makes for a better read. They tend to be more focused. Also, each time a new person speaks, it should be a new paragraph. I've also noticed improvements from chapter one, but still room for improvement here as well. One thing that really stands out to me in your story is your imagery. You are very skilled at describing the setting and really bringing me into the story. So keep that up. Now for the short story. As my modified starship dropped out of slipspace high above the Last City with a large boom, a female voice came in through my ship's comm system ."Unmarked vessel, please identify. You are entering a restricted air zone." "This is Guardian 47, requesting permission to land, Air Control." I said into the mic in my helmet. "Warlock Sindri identified. You are cleared for landing, Guardian. Welcome back." the woman responded. I flew my ship into one of the many hangars in the Last City. I grimaced as I noticed one of the many spoiled children from the City customizing a new, expensive model of the starship I flew. No doubt he had begged his rich parents to buy it for him, because he had no clue what he was doing. I walked over. "You know kid, you're currently wiring the power for the thrusters into the navigation system, right? Even if you manage to get off the ground with that set up, you drop out of the air before you get too far." He didn't even bother turning around before he spoke. "Whatever mister, I'm a professional. You're the idiot here." "Oh, sorry buddy. I didn't know that parents could just buy their kids "Professional Pilot Licenses" nowadays." I retorted. He whirled around, swinging a fist as he did. I caught it easily, and shook my head. The kid couldn't even throw a punch. The nametag on his suit said Mercer. He gasped as he saw my face, however, reminding me I had forgotten to keep my helmet on. I was well known in this city, due to my intense purple eyes and the history behind them. Suppressed memories of my past came to the surface and I lapsed into a flashback. It had been a clear day the Fallen had invaded my settlement, one of the few days of clear weather we got in the village. The men of the town had formed a line to defend the city, my father among them. At the age of 15, I had thought myself ready to fight, and against the wishes of my father I joined the line. The first strike took out the majority of our fighters. A Devil Walker had been deployed behind our lines and fired a single shot directly into our ammo stores, with explosive effect. I had been thrown to the ground, and most of our men were dead. The small pistol that I had been clutching had flown from my grasp and been crushed underneath one of the Devil Walker's feet. I quickly glanced around to see what I could do and saw my father on the ground with the other dead men. I ran over to him and he spoke weakly to me. "Sindri, there is no one left to defend us but you. Take my gun, and make us proud." A single tear had rolled down my cheek as I took the gun from his dead hands. Then, as I had turned to face the onslaught of space pirates, the gun jammed. The Fallen began destroying buildings, grabbing the women and children from inside. As I saw my mother and sister thrown into the street, a rage overtook me. I became somewhat aware of a purple aura surrounding me, which began to coalesce around my clenched fists. I dashed at the nearest Fallen, and an explosion erupted from where I hit it. I ducked among the rest of the Fallen, grabbing and hitting them with this new magic. At last all the Fallen lay dead and smoking before me, except for the Devil Walker. I ran behind it and threw my hands at it, and the magic came off like a ball and flew towards the Walker, which exploded. After that I had collapsed onto the ground, and when I had woken up again, my eyes were not the usual blue, but purple. I had taken the first transport to the City after that attack. I was snapped back to reality by Mercer. "Sir, please let go!" he whined. I realized had been holding his fist ever since I caught it from the first punch he threw. I released his hand and took a step back, then I put my helmet back on. I didn't want to run into any more people who recognized me today. "You'd do well to follow my advice, kid. That starship needs fixing." I turned and headed home to drop off my gear. Alright, that turned out pretty well.

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    • Short story: my farther was a great man before the war and my mother was a doctor who could help any one and would do it no matter if she got paid or not,but this would all change when we got attacked and almost obligated and saved by the travler and I and three others where chosen by the traveler to keep the last city safe while the traveler slept, it gave us extraordinary powers. And we trained other how to tap in to the travelers powers. And we called ourselves the graudians. A Year later we have over a hundred fresh guardians.We decide to build a wall so when we where away our families and loved ones would be safe. We took volunteers which I was in charge of to build the wall. The wall was about finished when we met our first aliens. On day while I was keeping watch with my custom sniper branded closing time I saw four glowing humans running fast I aimed down my scope to see why the where running and behind the where 10/15 four armed humanoid running after then with guns and swords I sounded the alarms and took out two of the four arms guys then jumped down and activated my ability to hover and pull out my assault rifle now called the soul returner and charged when I came up on the glowing humans I realised they where female aliens and they were holding babies,the looked alarmed when saw me sprinting towards them. I yelled to them to keep running that I will help them and more help are on the way. I shoot and killed the first 4 humanoids without them even knowing what happen the the other nine stop and got togother in a group with shields infront and then guns then in back swords I did my best to shoot the guns,but then I hit one of the sword humanoids in the head which fell clean of his shoulders and a white ghostly air shoot out of his neck all of the other humanoids scattered I piped them off on at a time when I got all of them I headed back to the wall to tell the rest of the council what happen. Then I hear an electric buzz go past my eat an feel a crippling pain in my arm that makes me drop. I spuned as I fell and then one of the humanoids was there standing above me with to energy swords, this ones bigger and member then the others.I try to stand up but then he slams his giant foot down on my chest the humanoid starrs to bleeding from the ships knee where his sword hit and his yellow blood drips in my eyes so I can't see I await my death,the all a sudden the weight of his foot is lifted I wipe my eyes and see a grey human fist fighting the giant humanoid I kept wiping my eyes the user that this grey dude is an robot, the the robot climbs the giant twist,grabs the giant withvhis legs and throw him to the dirt. The robot gets up and shoves his hand though the giant chest and pulls out it heart. To be cont.

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      • I guess I have to point this out. You can easily un follow after the giveaway, no point in keeping on following for no purpose. It's there so that finding the post and threads are easier. Ever tried looking through pages and pages of threads for just one? Also the post on the stories is better my stories. I could of easily just deleted the email with the code and gone on my way. There are a lot of people who for one reason or another won't or can't get access to a code. I have one, I am just asking for alittle effort on the participates part to get it. There is no fun or enjoyment in just going "here is a beta code first come first serve" . This way everyone who wants one has at least a chance to get one.

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        • Umm you should give me the code because my friend wants to play it with me.

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        • [quote]1. Follow Me[/quote] Instant loss of respect. Followers mean nothing.

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        • DHG sucks.

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        • Ok, here's my short story, (It's pretty short) and I'll post a criticism on the Chapter 1 you listed above : “Al’tan! We’re topside in five! It was a trap!” Logan transmitted. No answer. They sprinted back through the ancient corridors, pursued by guttural howls and the heavy clank of Cabal weaponry. Logan felt a wave of goosebumps, and cried, “Mareck! Not in here!” Mareck laughed as she pushed a bubbling ball of energy behind them, it exploded. Logan grabbed the warlock and increased his shield buffer. The blast shot them back out into the plaza. The building collapsed in a shriek of twisted metal. Red dust billowed. Mareck stopped laughing. A dozen Legionnaires with their shields and a Centurion formed a semicircle around them. The massive Centurion held a writhing Al’tan in his fist. Logan hardly thought. He tapped his Link and energy coursed through him. He leapt into the air, muscles assisted by the Traveler. He landed with a fist to the ground and pushed. The ground shuddered and the shockwave cast the Legionnaires into the air. Logan brought Cheap-Thrills to his shoulder and fired a burst into the Centurion’s head. Before the beast hit the ground, Logan downed two others. Mareck shot arcane bolts over Logan’s shoulder and Cabal died. “Logan!” Mareck cried. The last Legionnaire bashed his shield into Logan’s side. Dazed, Logan looked up as the hulking thing planted a boot on his chest. It held the muzzle of his weapon against Logan’s visor. It looked at Mareck challengingly. Then a crack echoed through the plaza; Logan embraced death. Then, he opened his eyes. The Cabal was falling, and headless. Al’tan stood, cradling a smoking Cabal weapon. “Let’s not do that aga…“ Logan trailed off. The ground still shuddered. Suddenly, a chasm opened behind them, revealing a stairway into the darkness. Mareck glanced at Logan, laughed, and ran down the stairs. Logan sighed, and followed.

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        • [quote]1. Follow Me[/quote] Holy desperation Batman.

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        • Wow, this is desperate.

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        • Chapter three link leads to one.

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