I will never be able to watch The Fifth Element again without this image intruding into my mind.
Seriously, why wear [i]that[/i].
Does the Executor Star Destroyer look like a mouse cursor to anyone else?
Bad Recon!! Bad!!
That movie was terrible anyway.
My eyes, they bleed.
Why Recon...why? Why would you do this?
Image won't load...
The gall of that man to parade around in that and not be ashamed!
[b] [/b]
There are much worse things than this on the intertubes.
Boooooo Bad Recon! Bad!
This thread.
This isn't normal where you live? I'm Canadian and it looks like he was dressed for winter. Summer time...
[i] [/i]
O_O Why, Recon... [i]Why?![/i]
Would tap dat
Leeloo nothanksi'llpass
something I can't un-see. I just threw up in my mouth a little.......