Motion sickness sucks, especially when you like fps games like me.
I found that sitting further from the tv, some seabands and gingercapsules can help me a bit however the main issue seems to be things like head and weapon bobbing. A combination of these two really make me sick and i can play for no longer than 15 minutes.
There are some games like the elder scrolls or fallout that are first person but dont make me sick. It could be because there is no head bobbing or maybe because bethesda does something else about it with framerate.
Is there anything bungie does about this issue to? Like make the game run at a steady 60 frames per sec or the possibillity to disable head or weapon bobbing? Do they run tests with people who have this issue?
I hope developers will give this more attention in the future.
it is funny you mention this because usually the only games i get motion sick while playing are 3rd person. unfortunately Dishonored broke that record. im hoping Destiny doesnt make me sick. :( also this should be in #Destiny.