Why did they change the way she looked?! Why!? She could have been as sexy as Silvermist but noooooo. They just had to turn her into [url=http://gifslair.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/samme-mejias-tinker-bell-secret-of-the-wings-25.gif]this![/url] She went from "*fapfapfapfapfap*" to "meh". WTF Disney. You disappoint me again. Express your disappointment with me, flood.
Chakas... You need help... And fortunately, I have that help! With a down payment of $19.99, and twenty-three payments of $10.00 over the course of four months, I can have you completely reformed of your Tinkerbell obsession! How, you may ask? Well, it's simple really. But first, you must ask me yourself, as the first step must be taken by you, and you alone.