>Be me, visiting Canada
>Walk down street, two people bump into each other
>Both say "Sorry"
>Walk into bank, robbery in progress
>Robber asks for money, gets it, says "Sorry"
>Clerk says "Sorry"
>Cops burst in and arrest him
>Cops say "Sorry"
>Robber says "Sorry"
>Clerk says "Sorry"
>Everyone on the street walks in, every body is saying "Sorry"
>Mayor walks in
>Hands key to the city to robber, says "Sorry"
>Robber says "Sorry"
>Next day
>National T.V., there's that robber
>Gets up to the podium, says one word:
>Crowd goes wild
>They start chanting "Sorry"
>Knock on door
>I open it up, man there with a package
>Take it, open up package
>Piece of paper inside, short letter written on it
>This is what it said:
"Dear Ian, it has come to our attention you have not been saying sorry enough, please start saying sorry, or be arrested. Sorry, The Police"
>Remember I didn't say sorry to the delivery guy
>Cops bust in screaming "SORRY!"
>Arrested, taken to trial, sentenced to death
>"Now Ian, do you have anything to say for yourself?"
I was released the next day. WTF Canada?!