Its's called Doge.
Anybody else read this sorta like "Doby" but with a G instead of a B?
[i] [/i]
This ceased being clever after the first thread. Now your just pandering for attention. How terribly sad...
wow such console much approve
Of course all the dogebots on these forums are gonna like it. Jesus it doesn't even support bluray. Besides my PC has been capable of love since 2006.
MissBlacklight?! I stop going to Bungie for a week and i miss stuff :(
[quote]is a doge?[/quote] Lol
What about the Google Box?
#steam #Apple #steambox Seems legit.
Hahahahahahahahhaha so funny lolololololololol Hahahahahahahah lolol rotfl lol xD xdxdxdx
Nice job making two threads with the exact same image and post body. What's the matter, didn't get enough replies in the first[u] 5 minutes?[/u]
Aw I was expected another console :( The PS4's $400 US not $430 unless the PS Camera only costs $30 it costs $60... But has less functionality than the Kinect 2. If you want a Camera then get an Xbox One if not then choose between the two
Was I suppose to laugh?