Much like myself, many of you may have noticed that Trending Topics aren't exactly trending. I'm not sure if the hashtag system is the decider of what "trends" and what doesn't, but I suggest something a little different.
Let the trending tab be for forum topics that have a certain amount of replies and activity. Picture it as the tab for "Hot Topics" where a user could go to find the talk of the town. The current threads in the trending tab are dormant for the most part, some of which haven't been touched or moved from the list in days. They sit stagnant, some how kept in place by a random reply every now and again. I don't think this classifies as "trending".
To me, it seems more likely that it should be a place for the busy, bustling thread Bnet is capable of, and often does produce. Because I'm not sure of the tabs true function, I could be completely wrong here, maybe there is something I missed.
I feel like if it were based on your suggestion the entire trending tab would be nothing but shit troll threads.