Have you ever wanted to get those washboard abs, but just didn't want to get off the Xbox? Here's a solution:
After every loss (or win, you choose), take the moment to do 10 push ups/sit ups. It doesn't take long, and you'll steadily build up muscle. Make sure you switch between sit ups and push ups daily, so your body has time to rest.
And just cut out the unhealthy drinks and snacks. Eat some carrots and drink water. Run somewhere everyday.
Play Kinect.
There you go guys, you're welcome.
1. Get time machine 2. Get augmentations 3. ??? 4. Spartan 5. Become owisum 6. Get biches 7. 7 cuz Bungie
Enjoy eating your rabbit food and peasant drink. In the meantime, I'm going to eat whatever I feel like and drink what I feel like and not get fat from it.
Nah , I'm good ..
*Comes back 20 minutes later far as hell* I finished every match MVP first place on every team. Fml
I'm already fit, without doing that...
No thanks.
But that said lol at people who game new than 30 minutes a day unless its a new single player release you have to beat.
ur shit kid
I actually like this Idea, thanks OP.
>kinect Lol
This is how I started off lol. Now I go the gym and look sick as -blam!-. Anything that gets you a foot into fitness is good.
Thanks for the awesome post man. It has inspired me to get back to workin out. Oh and good luck to anyone else that is just starting out or has been doing it for a while!
I do this already. In between matches, I do sit ups.
Take an hour out of the countless that you probably spend on your computer or on here every day and work out. Problem solved.
I've thought about getting a stationary bicycle to use as I game. Bike and game I've already cut out soda and holy fish cakes did I feel better when I did. No more head aches or moo swings or bouts of depressing thoughts
why is #tupac a tag DISRESPECTFUL
For every time I die, I do 2 pushups after the game. Made me amazing at halo.
As soon as I saw the title I knew the OP was going to spew out some proper bullshit.
or...you play xbox all day, take a pause for two hours, go to the gym, shower, and turn the xbox on again. it's kinda simple.
Or you could just...stick yourself out for physical labour. I don't mean go to the gym, or the hell of [i]jogging long distances in nylon crap.[/i] Building large muscles just requires you to add another routine to keep them there, if you don't use them often for any reason. I can't really give a generic guide, but I'll just have to use myself as an example. I carry logs. Piles of them, or big heavy ones. I cycle or walk to the nearest town (about a mile away) when I visit friends, do stuff with them, go to school, whatever. Doesn't seem like much but if you do it often you can notice a difference, and it doesn't really require too much of a change. It doesn't make you a Hercules if that's your plan, but it certainly keeps you in shape. Just think of your normal routine, and make a minor effort to make it require a bit more elbow grease. It doesn't suit everyone's lifestyle, but neither does rigorous exercise regimen for much of us anyway.
That's a very inefficient and unvaried way of developing proper muscle mass.
I've just cut out most of the carbohydrates, and I've started to lose weight.
If I do it for every loss, I'd do *calculates*.. 0 pushups per day. Sweet.