[url=http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/09/10/science-testicle-size-father-parenting.html]Great dads have smaller testicles, study suggests. Brain scans suggest testicle size inversely linked to motivation to nurture.[/url]
So, the study suggests that "nurturing dads have small balls" and also implies the inverse that men with large 'nads are more likely to shirk when it comes to child-rearing duties.
Ah, testosterone. You do so much and give men something to blame when we're pricks.
ah fatherhood
Ball size? Never even heard of that before....
This picture is relevant.
My medium balls allow me the best of both worlds.
"Hey there sexy i had a kid and child services took him away from me because i sucked at parenting and i sucked at parenting because i have big balls, wanna have sex?"
>Take steroids >skew study >??? >PROFIT!
What about having [i] Balls of Steel? [/i]
I never knew having big balls was something to be more proud of.. Not considering this topic What would even be a pro of having big balls? Its not like you are having sex with your wife with your balls.
my future kids are in good hands
Is that why there's so many successful Asian kids?
Raise your hand if you just checked your balls. Also what is the average ball size?
This says a lot about the black community.
I wonder if the guy in the photo realizes that he's now forever associated with having teensy 'nads. Maybe he can sue?
[quote]Ah, testosterone. You do so much and give men something to blame when we're pricks.[/quote] I guess it makes men *glasses* Testy
Thank god my balls are tiny! ... did I just admit that out loud?
who comes up with these study ideas? it always seems like science wants to do the most random things possible.
So if we want to prove our manliness, we should be total assholes to kids?
Sorry TU.
95% of guys must have huge balls, because a decent parent seems like a pretty rare thing these days.
Lol that's hilarious!
Nice. Interesting going to read this later.
[quote]There's a prerequisite.[/quote]Abortion.