Might as well throw cigs in there too.
cigarettes are already taxed
Im sure we all know that. 2nd half of his comment.
i don't think nicotine impairs driving
Edited by Spinager: 9/8/2013 5:45:50 AMI don't think marijuana does either. But what they are saying, is you cant drink out in public. So not smoking out in public. Might as well throw cigs in there.
How can you possibly attempt to say that smoking pot does not affect your driving? Are you high?
I drive stoned a lot. It doesn't impair my driving [b]at all[/b]. I drive the speed limit and am way more patient. I don't mutter do my self about the piece of shits driving around me.
Bullshit it doesn't. Any sort of inebriation impairs hand-eye coordination.
Is that why I can still play my instruments when I'm super duper high? Are you just spewing bullishly scare-tactics that you read in the local paper or have you actually smoked a fatty and home for a drive?
1. Implying that to know whether or not one's driving is impaired while drunk one has to have drunk-driven? 2. Have you even done the research yourself? Clearly you've not so I'll do it for you. http://adai.uw.edu/marijuana/factsheets/driving.htm http://www.washingtonpost.com/cars/pot-smoking-could-affect-driving-for-weeks-researchers-suggest/2013/03/05/1e10733e-85c5-11e2-a80b-3edc779b676f_story.html 3. Marijuana, definitively speaking and objectively so, impairs your reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and short-term memory, all of which are necessary for driving. 4. I'm not against pot in general; I'm for its legalization. I just don't think some potheads should get to drive high and endanger others because they swear they're fine. It's the same exact argument that people give for driving drunk. "No I swear I'm fine." "I never get in an accident when I'm drunk." "I think driving drunk actually makes me a little better." It's all bullshit.
[quote]There are numerous methodological limitations in the studies reviewed above that may account for the great variations and inconsistencies in their findings, which detracts from the likelihood of a clear synthesis of results.[/quote] Burn
Which link did you get that from, if either? Also, that isn't an admission of illegitimacy of the studies, you idiot. It's a disclaimer of fact.
Ur mad. Go smoke a J.
Lol. Bullishly. I meant bullshit
It makes you drive way more cautiously. It's fun on the open road, but driving through town while high is pretty scary because there's heaps of shit to watch out for, you basically end up going at like 10mph and waiting ages at intersections
i'm fairly sure it's been proven that marijuana affects your reaction time