I get that it looks pretty good and all.. but the whole mech thing is nothing new.
I mean we have games like Gundam where fighting in mechs is the whole point.
I can very quickly see it going the way of Battlefied and COD, with EA saying that they will be rotating Battlefied, Titanfall and Battlefront I can easily see it becoming another casual shooter.
I am getting a Ps4 so I will not be able to play it, until it comes to Playstation, but I really hope it does not become something they release again every few years with a few added guns or mechs and slightly improved graphics.
Each individual idea probably isn't original, few really are nowadays. But when combined into one game it makes for a unique FPS experience that we haven't seen in a while.
Name me five games like TitanFall please
No game is original now of days but that doesn't mean it won't be fun.
[quote] I am getting a Ps4 so I will not be able to play it,[/quote] [quote] the whole mech thing is nothing new. I mean we have games like Gundam where fighting in mechs is the whole point.[/quote] Explains this thread perfectly. Also, if the tables had been reversed where the PS4 had it as an exclusive, you and every other fanboy would be nonstop about it so shut your pie hole.
Just like The Last of Us. Sony gamers love gameplay rehashes. Just put on a fresh coat of paint, change the narrative and package it to critical acclaim.
B-b-but muh running a few feet on walls!
You're right it's nothing new, it takes elements of Hawken, Mirrors Edge, and (insert modern shooter here). Does that mean it's going to be a bad game? no. Cod comes out with largely the same game every year and people still eat that shit up.
The gameplay seems much more fluid and interesting, with the jets allowing for easy movement across a map. Assault weapons look bland, but the rapid rocket launcher, titan rocket and railgun thing looks amazing. Titans seem less like a kill streak and more like a timed tool, being used as a manual attack weapon, a back up drone in follow mode, and a sentry in guard mode.
The core gunplay looks bland. Fortunately, everything else points to a fun experience. Sort of like how I managed to enjoy Crysis 2 (as a standalone game- as a sequel it's still sh1t) despite the ADS gunplay.
Agreed OP.
How EA handles things
Call of Duty gamplay against vehicles which run and feel like COD gameplay. It's getting blown out of proportion, seriously, not gonna be any good. Starting to see the PC effect already, you know how many Clone shooters there are on PC? They are starting to make their way onto consoles, maybe due to the architecture or maybe just natural progression of things but regardless, it's looking at what sells, and trying to capitalize on it and our industry is going to hell. I seriously hope for another god damned crash. Indies are the way of the future.
Yes, the majority of elements in Titanfall are not brand spanking new. To that I say: so what? If Titanfall can combine good FPS combat, mech combat, and fast, flowing movement into a very polished shooter, who cares if it's not the world's most revolutionary thing? Just give me a good, polished game.
EA published titan fall. It will come to the ps4 as well. Also, there's nothing new under the sun, so it's ok if something isn't completely original, just as long as it's fresh.
I dont see any games with alot new. That why you have to focus on the little changes. The parkour, The mechs, The vertical maps, The weapons, The mechanics, Nonstop action, online campaign. These are the things that set Titanfall apart from your average military shooter.
Yes it is. I've never seen a fused campaign multiplayer before, nor the movement mechanics that they have. This game's got the most fluid game mechanics I've ever seen in a game.
Despite your fears, most journalists are raving about the One and Titanfall from what they got to see and play at Gamescon. Don't let rampant paranoia bring the retard out.
It's mechs. MECHS!!!!