So I heard there's a Halo 4 game of the year addition, and just wanted to know people thoughts. Now I don't know much about it besides it have all the DLC, a season pass, and such. Also it being announced after a recent DLC... And who gave "Game of the Year" to Halo 4? IGN right? About a year ago? Eh, sure theres more worthy
I hope it helps out the population! I won't buy it cause I already own everything XD Sue me for not making a negative comment.
Its very stupid of 343 to add this at the the end (ALMOST) of the year.
every game has a game of the year edition, even if it didn't win anything. its only all DLC so i don't understand why they are game of the year.
I won't get it, but I hope H5 will be much better.
[quote]Game of the Year[/quote] Lost me here
I don't think people understand that "game of the year [b]editions[/b] are common across the board and generally pack everything about the game into one package.
Halo 4? Game of the year? That's funny
thirsty for milk.brb guys dont make fun of this without me!
P.S Not sure why there's "" at the end....huh.
Can anyone name any good games that came out in 2012? There wasn't much competition.
lol Halo 4 game of the year. In your dreams 343i.
Since when did Halo 4 qualify for Game of the Year? I will defend this game until I am blue in the face, but there is no way it is Game of the Year material.
Halo 4 receives multiple GOTYs.
IGA. I like Halo 4. Wouldn't give it GOTY, but still. Come at me.
They're just calling every game GOTY now huh?