To get my opinion out the way, my personal belief's seem to change according to the type of day I'm experiencing. On most normal days I would say I'm an agnostic who hopes that there is some kind of supernatural force out there, and that there is life after death. On a miserable day I would probably be a stone cold atheist, and on a really bad day I would sometimes think that a God is just hanging in the sky, making me angry and laughing at my expense. Nevertheless, there is always a part of me deep down in my head that says: "Face it mate. There is no proof of a God, so there probably isn't one, end of".
Whenever there is an 'Atheists vs Christianity/Islam' thread, one person usually ends up saying 'look, just let people believe what they want to believe and don't force your opinions on others'. Its a good thing to say, and I try to take it heart. If everyone just keeps their beliefs and op opinions to themselves, then we would all get along better.
However, I've started to doubt that idea. Whenever I see Islamist extremists causing mass murder and hysteria on the news, or hear about evangelicals trying to stop children from learning basic biology at school, it really concerns me. I believe society as a whole would benefit if organised religion was removed, and I hope it will die out over this century thanks to the advancements of technology, allowing people to share their ideas and knowledge across the world instead of just sticking to one particular view of reality.
This does not mean at all that anyone with a religious belief is an absolute idiot, or inherently violent.
Being an Atheist doesn't mean your superior in any way, believing in a God is not wrong. It would make sense that a species that defines itself with its scientific and artistic creations would assume that they themselves had a creator. And not all religious people are bigoted extremists. My family, hell my local priest, are some of the nicest and most selfless people I know (whether this is a result of their belief or a personal choice, I do not know). I've seen a lot of Atheists who would rant and pester at the slightest display of religious belief, and its not good for anyone. It just makes theists believe all Atheists are pretentious twats, and drives an either bigger gap between the two.
Not to mention its likely an insult to Atheists who have actually been persecuted, who may get an even worse reputation to face up against. Its just fanning the flames.
If anyone is going to have a religious argument, please, and this goes for everyone, and me, think before you speak. Use reason and a little bit of empathy.
[spoiler]Now that small part of my brain is saying that this is the -blam!-ing offtopic section of a game company website, so who gives the slightest -blam!-.[/spoiler]
We're all humans we should all shut up and work together. And also people need to stop basing outlooks on a group based on extremists such as all Christians are like Westboro and hate gays and believe no sex etc. or how all Muslims are jihadists or all Atheists are cynical assholes