Pic for those of you who don't know what a sugar glider is. Because I didn't before now and I'm assuming most normal people don't.
So they're basically cute rats with bushy tails, but you [i]apparently[/i] have to have two of them or they die of loneliness or some shit. Also, they're nocturnal, so at night they make a horrific and ungodly noise that sounds something like how I'd imagine Gary Busey does when he has an orgasm.
So I'm wondering, if any of you has experience with these assholes, what is the best way to kill them and make it look natural? Also, follow up question: can you eat them?
Lol at most of that, but if you're really thinking of eating them, make it clean. Just get a butcher knife, sedate it or something, then lob it's head off in one clean stroke. Then make sure you skin it well, then cook them over an open fire. Together of course, they should at least be together in the afterlife.