Definitely, otherwise known as "Definately, defenitely, definetely, difinitely," or my personal favorite, "[i]defiantly.[/i]"
[spoiler]There's not even an 'A' in the word. How can you get that shit wrong?[/spoiler]
There and Their - Mix-up
Hear and Here - Mix-up
Your and You're - Mix-up
Tomorrow - Tommorow, Tomarrow, Tomorroh (seriously saw this once.)
Edited by Failure4Life: 8/17/2013 6:12:50 AMThe reason people spell it "defiantly" is because auto correct turns any misspelled variant of "definitely" to that. Lib[i][b]r[/b][/i]ary Feb[i][b]r[/b][/i]uary