Yeah I call bullshit on your bullshit , but hey if you're giving your all that's what really counts ....
Im sure mommy and daddy are both very proud of you .
Zelda you're gay and the rest of these people are.
Cool story bro .... come back when you can do more that call people gay and spout nonsense .
I am not spouting nonsense. I am supporting fact.
supporting what fact , that you cant make an argument without resorting profanity or gay slurs ?
Nah I can bitch. The fact is that you and your friends are idiots supporting and inferior company and game. Sometimes I don't know why I do these things. I remind people of how great CoD is and I get this shit from shitposters like yourself. I think I'll just stop... ...Nah. I can't stop because I took a seldom oath when I achieved a kill streak in CoD Black Ops II.
Edited by Zeldafan92: 8/15/2013 3:34:34 AMwell that's your opinion . and I could careless about your kill streak , such a thing means little to those of us who live in real life .
its not opinion is fact killstreaks are awesome and good for us
do you know the definition of insanity ? its exactly what your doing , trying to claim opinion as fact , over and over and over again . killstreaks , gamerscores , trophies and achievements , they all just superficial numbers and false accomplishments to make sad little men like you feel better about themselves cause mommy and daddy didn't love them enough ...
I am loved. You are not. CoD is awesome and inspiring unlike your ass.
Edited by Zeldafan92: 8/16/2013 2:09:40 AMIf awesome suddenly means lame repetitive gameplay and reskining weapons , then yes im sure it is .... and your loved ? where ? at your mommy and daddy's house ? cant answer for your view of me being uninspiring , I don't usually brag but when I do its to pwn little zealots like yourself. if im so unloved here and uninspiring , then why is it I have 30 more people than you following me ? oh that's right I tell it as I see it and don't go creating threads bout bullshit that I cant defend from anyone .....
fucking piece of worthless shit
yes , yes you are ....
Zelda, wow. I... I am sorry. I went too far... said 2 much over all this....
look im not hurt over it , im good man . im going to stop this so lets just let it go .
Same thing I was thinking.
I don't care for your followers they are alts anyways. It's not reskining weapons. Compare the WaW rocket launcher to the BO2 rocketlauncher. Alot of these hoes love to grind on me -blam!-. Who grinds on you? ur followers? you butthurt friends? Fuk u and ur life u piece of shit