For me, it is when they make guys look like freaking chicks and I can never tell which one they are. This goes for Haku from Naruto and some guy from Sengoku Basara whose name I forgot.
EDIT: Also, chicks with extremely oversized breasts.
-the fanbase (cosplaying will never be cool) -the haters (saying you hate anime is like saying you hate music) -little girls (referring to yourself in the 3rd person isn't cute, shut up) -1 dimensional characters (oh, you're unpopular? time to sit in the back if the class and stare out the window all f*cking day) -tsunderes (pulling frying pans out of nowhere will never be even remotely funny) -slice of life (ultimate drawing abilities? time make a show about high school kids) and the list goes on to knit-picking, but among all the stupidity there are gems to be found.
Some English dubs are shit, other than that I love a good anime.
Fanservice... Nothing is more awkward/unnecessary than dirty shots of the character, it spoils good shows when they put it in.
I don't like anime in general, but my biggest complaint is that I t looks so corny and stupid. I have a hard time taking them seriously because of that.
Too much story in the porn, not enough tentacle monster.
Fanservice. I don't want to see the characters underwear, I want to either see them kick ass or fall in love.
It depends. Mostly horny guys or heavily dependant female characters.
Androgynous characters... Sexual fan service... Filler flashback episodes (Where the flashback is events you have already seen, not someone's past)
Whiny ass MC's pussy ass MC's lame ass MC's Orange haired titty monsters
Fan service and poor pacing.
Sometimes they'll take too long to get to the point. giving a character extra screen time or a special about them means they're getting killed off soon. bad english dubs pointless filler spending half the episode recapping what's already happened The "recap episode" where they just show clips of shit that happened already in order to fill space. Having a cliffhanger only to have an anti-climactic resolution the next episode. hero losing a single fight then turning emo for 5 episodes
Fillers in episodes/Filler episodes
Main character (when male) gets all the females in the show = such bull.
Edited by Vaiz: 8/16/2013 3:35:57 AMTHAT -blam!-ING KINKNY SHIT!!!
I don't even watch anime so I don't know.
Edited by Sesto: 8/16/2013 2:43:11 AMI am not annoyed by much. I don't mind fanservice, don't hate on any specific genre, and the anime tropes (bread in mouth, sitting by window seat, etc) don't bother me. There are a few things though. One would be the overuse of the "forgive and forget" endings to arcs. In anime with arc based villains, I hate it when the MC beats them, the villain gives a sappy story about how they were bullied or some shit, then the MC just forgives them. In terms of recent shows Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge did this often. Another thing that bothers me is poor pacing, though that is self explanatory.
I hate how the English dub voice actors take a dramatic pause before saying someone's name at the end of their line. 20 episode filler arcs are pretty annoying too. Bleach is notorious for performing both very often.
Long ass/unnecessary filler excessive/out of place fan service drops in quality between animation teams.
Edited by God: 8/14/2013 7:12:39 PMOverused plot lines, particularly the "random guy suddenly lives with some supernatural girl who fights off people constantly trying to capture her."
This mini series should pretty much show all the annoying things about anime.
The awkward man children who watch it. Waifu.................................. Wait one week for a four minute cliffhanger.
Anything that comes from what I like to call "Weeaboo Animes" Like Lucky Star.
When the characters are hot but you're unsure of their age so you don't know whether you should feel dirty or not for being attracted to them.
When the main character has some sort of mysterious exclusive power that he has to master And the angst Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much angst
Characters so weak/pussy you want to murder them slowly.