Anyone here not circumcised? If so your in the minority.
fgts talking about dicks itt
lol #chopchop I'm circumsized and I'm fine with it. Doesn't really matter, guys.
[quote]If so your in the minority.[/quote]Maybe where you live.
Me. So glad I get to keep my 4000+ nerve endings AND more lubrication.
I am. Eww, dick cheese.
I guess I'm in the majority.
Minority ftw
[quote]Anyone here not circumcised? If so your in the minority.[/quote] not in Britiain I'm not, I don't think it's common practise over here. Instead I guess we chose hygiene
Unless they're female.
I heard giving handjobs is easier with skin. I also heard that without skin, your penis is less sensitive, because it misses a certain layer. This results in the fact that people without skin last longer.
Im not jewish so why the hell would I want to have a part of my dick cut off? If I am a minority, Im sure as hell glad I part of it, and I feel bad for those who were shortened.
What is that? Do I want to know?
...the -blam!- is this shit?
Im clean here.
What are you speaking of?
Me. Over here in Britain only 9% of men are circumcised.
Covered wagon